Image source. (Has nothing to do with the theme.)
I had an amazing time at ACPT last weekend!!! I had no idea so many people had heard about this blog, and I was glad I got the chance to tell a few more people about it! Also, if you didn't hear on Twitter, I happen to be the Schenectady, NY champion ;)
One of my favorite things I learned was that Dan and Babka did my Polar Plunge puzzle on Twitch!!!! It's actually two stream recordings cause Babka ate a power cord (spoiler alert) but I was so happy and honored to see Dan solve my puzzle :) (and this channel is gonna really help me with my nonexistent cryptic skills!)
Also, I'm totally using Ingrid for my next puzzle. As a longtime Crossfire user, I was gobsmacked to find that you can change the symmetry??? Also apparently you can CHANGE THE SIZE OF THE GRID MID-CONSTRUCTION! Haven't tried that but I will let you know...
Finally, before we get into today's puzzle, some puzzles I've really enjoyed recently: Rebecca Goldstein's "Race for the Cure" Universal puzzle, Evan Birnholz's "ID Numbers" Washington Post Sunday, and both of Lila Goldenberg's Lil AVCX puzzles so far! (1) (2) (I nearly ruptured my spleen reading the Wikipedia article for 17-Across. Also, doing Lil AVCX puzzles have made me realize I really need to up my clue game. Let me know how I did with this set of clues!)
Ok, finally onto today's puzzle. Not much to say about this one, except that we're back to online-compatible grids! Have fun and talk to you again in a few weeks.
Answer key: